Hello, hello! Oh, I am raring to go today, people. I've had coffee and I am super inspired after a crazy awesome weekend. SO, I'm here to inspire you in return.
Let me start by asking... who loves ridiculously good music? Because I got an OD of it this weekend. To my listeners of folk, indie rock, super-freaking-tastic genre ear candy, allow me to recommend the following performers/bands.
Numero uno: Kara Kulpa, who is on her first national tour right now (and happens to be one of my best friends, but, whatever, she's amazing...and I'm a music snob, so please trust me on this.) Kara is maniacally gifted on any kind of stringed instrument and her voice is like magic. She writes lyrics that flow like water. Her fellow traveler, musician Kristen Ford, is also on tour right now, and that girl is wicked good! Honestly, I listened to her very first song and knew I was addicted. I dare you not to be in a good mood while/after listening to this. Love it. Here's a sample from their show here in my home town the other night:
In the middle lending some backup is the soulful Violet Vonder Haar, who is a whole other realm of amazing songwriter herself. Okay, now, on to the next line of interest. Guess what today iiiiiis... It's Monday! That's right, baby. Everybody's favorite day of the week. But, I won't leave you in the lurch. Aside from the above boost in your day, I've got the below author blog hop to offer for new contracted writers who want to network it a bit. Sign up! See below for deets from author Lisa Sanchez's blog:
Follow as many authors as you like. Just follow the Linky list and hop from author to author. The idea is to find as many "new to you" authors as you can, and hopefully some great new reading material as well. Leave a comment as you hop from blog to blog! We'd love to chat with you!
Follow the Meet an author Monday host (Cali Cheer Mom) along with any of the wonderfully talented authors on the list.
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The purpose of the hop is to meet "new to you" authors and discover great new reads. Follow as many authors as you can. Leave a comment and introduce yourself!
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Authors! The more you promote this hop, the more successful it will be. Tweet about it. Post a link on Facebook. Talk about it on your blogs. Let's get the word out!

Before I leave you, can I just say that Schweddy Balls taste way better than I thought they would. Nice job, Ben and Jerry's. Also, you guys are amazing! Hope you know it and wear that badge every day.
Peace, love and rock and roll,
Live music is always fun. Kara's voice is interesting and soulful. Happy Monday!
Jen, this vid is confusing, but, the person singing is actually Kristen Ford... Kara is on violin! But Kristen has a really unique, cool voice, indeed. Kara Kulpa's voice is like smooth soul, if you ever get to hear her. Thanks for watching!
Your fellow Jen
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