Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Have you ever written a book?

No? Well, let me tell you something... when it's not easy, it's HARD.

So, I'm working on book three. (All right, I'm procrastinating on book three.) Book TWO comes out the end of October. I have a tentative date, but I don't want to throw it out there till I'm really certain of it. End of October, though... that much I can say. Ok, so back to book three, which, I'll reveal I had WANTED to called Circle of Light, however, I got such backlash for this idea due to the fact that it sounds a lot like something that should have the following cover:

Sigh, therefore, I am choosing to shy away from said title. Ah well. It'll all work out in the end.

I was tweeting with some fellow author friends @LisaSanchez3 and @JenLaneBooks tonight about putting the writing fire under our bums. I actually have written the prologue to book three, along with a little bit more. I'm enjoying the challenge of this book's research. It's taking me some of the time to Scotland, and google maps is fantabulous for letting you go right to street level and basically drive around and see the world for yourself. I'm tempted to make some overseas phone calls with questions, but I fear I won't understand what I'm hearing, since Scotland may speak English, but the accent and colloquialisms are super specific to that area of the world. Would probably be comical, really... Are any of you from Scotland? I have questions!

I'm listening to music as I blog, so please forgive if this post seems haphazard and scattered. I tend to have a hard time with multiple sensory overload. Ooof, and I also seem to be suffering the consequences of an entire box of Lemon Heads. ADHD anyone? That would be me. By the way, I'm addicted to Youtube. I know this is bad, but I can't help it. There is this blogging family called The Shaytards that crack me up! I love them, and I'm just as addicted to their channel as I would be some television program. Perhaps Youtube is at fault for my lack of writing productivity? Dang Chad Vader and cute cats in boxes. I'd best ban it from my viewage until book three is hammered out.

P.S. Another goal is to produce a CD of music with a close connection to the Light Series. Keep your ears perked for updates on that front. I have some beautiful musician friends that I'm hoping will help me with this venture.


Tracitalynne said...

Wait, these books *aren't* about lions?? I have been reading them all wrong! *GRIN*

I just wanted to drop in to say I am SOOO excited for the new book. And if I could, I would take us both to Scotland and do some kilt-covered research.

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series. I hope I can get it on ebook again.

And yes I have written a book - see my blog, so I know exactly how it is.

Anya said...

Oh no I hopw your lach of writing productivity is over soon lol..I need my William fix and I cannot wait! lol
And bummer...I really liked the sound of 'Circle of Light'...well I'm sure you'll come up with something else..and if could always ask your fans for some ideas hm? :)
