Saturday, March 6, 2010

Revelations, by Request. Part Deux

Last night I revealed some things about Seers that were quite spoiler-esque. Tonight's entry is safer to read, but it will still give you some ideas of what sort of thoughts went into the book.

I'd like to talk a little more about the philosophy behind Seers of Light. Some wonderful readers had made a comment on the Seers Forum ( about the book being spiritual without being unbelievable. This was so very wonderful for me to read, because the whole reason I invented the Seers world was to create a love story that injected some hope into the veins of the reader, some belief in a greater purpose for their life, and a feeling that, in the end, we're all okay.

I suppose the content could be considered rather New Agey, since it is largely based in Eastern philosophical views mixed with a lot of research into near-death-experiences. But I wanted these characters and their surreal world to be accessible. I wanted you to believe in the unknown and become excited with the possibility that YOU could be Lily. You could be Anna or William or any one of them. On top of that, I wanted you to be inspired about love. I have this powerful desire for women to stop settling for men that don't treat them with the utmost respect, don't acknowledge their full worth and potential. I wanted women to find a strong model in Lily, but one that we can all relate to.

I told someone recently that, with the kind of energy this story is attracting, I know it was worth all the effort. People need an escape, they need a jump start. We need to feel invigorated to love and live fully. If that's the only message you take from the Seers books, then good. What more can I ask?

Peace, love and gratitude,


Tracitalynne said...

Point One: Seers was well worth the effort. Trust me! You are a goddess.

Point Two, and I hope this is not me high-jacking your blog here, but I wrote something recently about women and relationships, as pertains to the Twilight novels, and so I will just re-quote myself:

"I don't think these books are meant to be feminist or anti-feminist, but I do think it's great that Bella gets to be the sexual aggressor; Edward's thoughtful unwillingness to kill her in the throes of passion gives her the freedom to practice seduction. From my vague recollections, most teenage make out sessions tend to devolve into a confusing tug of war. Girls often end up in the not as much fun role of Regulator, not able to give herself over to enjoying the moment, constantly fighting not only her own feelings and hormones, but her boyfriend's as well. Poor Bella is dying for Edward to ravish her, and so is free to express her desire and explore her needs without fear of a hormone fueled stampede towards her lady parts.

One of the most amazing critiques I have seen is that these fantasy novels do not adhere to reality. In her Salon article, Laura Miller quotes from one of the books:

"For this one night, could we try to forget everything besides just you and me?" He pleaded, unleashing the full force of his eyes on me. "It seems like I can never get enough time like that. I need to be with you. Just you."

Miller says,"Need I add that such statements rarely issue from the lips of mortal men, except perhaps when they're looking for sex? "

Well, maybe they would if we demanded it. Maybe we, as women, have allowed, or even expected, men to act like boors, and so they do. How many "nice guys" did you not date? How many sweet guys did you sigh over and say, "he's like a brother to me". Maybe we don't expect enough from men, and too many of them give up and lower themselves to our low expectations, in a desperate effort to get some, to get any at all. These books are not intended to tell girls what to expect and how to behave; if anything, they put into words the things that girls are thinking, and wanting but perhaps not getting. In an article in Psychology Today, Regina Barreca, Ph.D. criticises a passage in the book, saying "Actual boys are not models of aloof, self-contained self-control; they are like Labrador retrievers."

That's flattering and not at all stereotypical. Dr. Barreca asserts that -let me be clear,that this romance novel about vampires does not adhere to reality. here is the questionable passage:

"he simply bent his face to mine, and brushed his lips slowly along my jaw, from my ear to my chin, back and forth. I trembled."

Um, actually,That sounds really, really nice and sweet. I would love that. Note to everyone of all ages: Your partner wants you to do that. A lot.

Jen said...

Please hijack my blog!!That's what it's for. I want to spark thought and discussion. I want people to think and feel.

The points above are SO true. I think a character like William is really bizarre to some women. Most of us probably wouldn't know how to react to a guy who tells you to suck up your fear and just do it one minute, and then holds you like you're priceless the next. But men need to realize that, in spite of what cultural nonsense may have taught them, the quickest way to our beds is through our hearts. Genuine concern--behaving like a mature, thoughtful adult, thinking from a higher place... these things are vital to me, and I know they are for all women. I can't say how absolutely vital it is that I get that word across.

Women... you deserve to be treated with respect and as an equal. You deserve someone who actually challenges YOU to be a better person.
